
Latest articles

A space where I keep articles and information for my own perusal as well as for you. Everyday thoughts on life, wellness, health, fun and MORE.

What is Positive Prime?

What is Positive Prime?

Positive Prime is a simple scientifically proven way to easily rise above your old self-defeating patterns, reduce stress, anxiety, and more. It helps you create change and accelerate your learning and growth quickly. With a minimum of 3 minutes a day it will work.  ...

Essential Oils For Radiant Hair And Skin

Essential Oils For Radiant Hair And Skin

Essential oils possess great strength to improve our skin and hair growth. They contain plant extracts and are a natural medicine given by to us by the earth. Proper research should be done before using any essential oil on your skin or hair. Oils should be first...

December 21st, 2020

December 21st, 2020

Make a note of December 21, 2020! ☝️  My friend, mentor and astrology coach Susanne sent me this announcement today, and I really wanted to share it with you as I think it is soo powerful!In addition to the winter solstice, there is also a spectacular astronomical...

7 benefits of creating art

7 benefits of creating art

“Painting embraces all the ten functions of the eye; that is to say, darkness, light, body and color, shape and location, distance and closeness, motion and rest.” Leonardo da Vinci We all have ways in which to cope with situations that are thrown at us each day. What...

Safe home office practices during COVID19

Safe home office practices during COVID19

A checklist with the most important requirements for working safely from home The coronavirus (COVID-19) arrived in Switzerland a couple of weeks ago. To protect employees, many companies request that they work from home if possible. The majority of the companies was...

Self help against virus infect, flu and breathing complaints

Self help against virus infect, flu and breathing complaints

CORONAVIRUS - WHAT TO DO IF SUSPECTED? The corona virus has already spread massively in many countries all over the world and many people are affected. What can you do yourself to deal with this viral infection if symptoms appear? This includes: Runny nose Sore throat...

Scary times require Focus

Scary times require Focus

I think now more than ever we need to FOCUS. There is soo much fear out in the world at the moment and only focusing on trying to survive through these difficult times may not be pro-active. As a therapist, coach and mentor I want to be there for my family, friends...

Trouble falling asleep – the Alphabet Game

Trouble falling asleep – the Alphabet Game

Have you ever had trouble falling asleep - or waking in the middle of the night and struggled to get back to sleep? We all know the importance of sleep and what lack of sleep does to our body and mind. Sleep disturbances are usually due to stress, travel, illness, or...

My word for 2020 – PEACE!

My word for 2020 – PEACE!

I haven’t been living under a rock - but I’ve never “done” a word of the year thing. So I decided to jump on the train/boat/plane and do it this year.   This isn’t like a New Years resolution - because, honestly, I don’t think those work. And it’s probably been...

Flashback 2019 – the year of Masterminding (mostly)

Flashback 2019 – the year of Masterminding (mostly)

“If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together.” Some say it's an African proverb, I'm not sure about that. But that's not the point - the point is what does it mean or how does it apply in our lives? For me, personally, this meant that if I...

