
I think now more than ever we need to FOCUS.

There is soo much fear out in the world at the moment and only focusing on trying to survive through these difficult times may not be pro-active.

As a therapist, coach and mentor I want to be there for my family, friends and clients and support in any way possible so that we can all thrive.

Here are 10 tips that will help us keep the focus on opportunities for growth and progress as the world around is in turbulence.


1. Forget about yourself, focus on others.

2. Forget about your commodity, focus on your relationships.

3. Forget about the sale, focus on creating value.

4. Forget about your losses, focus on your opportunities.

5. Forget about your difficulties, focus on your progress.

6. Forget about the “future”, focus on your today.

7. Forget about who you were, focus on who you can be.

8. Forget about events, focus on your responses.

9. Forget about what’s missing, focus on what’s available.

10.Forget about your complaints, focus on your gratitude.

Original article from Dan Sullivan can be found here