
Essential oils possess great strength to improve our skin and hair growth. They contain plant extracts and are a natural medicine given by to us by the earth.

Proper research should be done before using any essential oil on your skin or hair. Oils should be first diluted to 1-3% for skin use.

Below are some essential oils that enhance our beauty:

Rose Essential Oil: used to calm and moderate your skin. It is suitable for all skin types. It is a major element added in skin facials. It provides a strong base to the roots of hair and prevents hair loss.

Geranium Essential Oil: less expensive and can be used as a substitute of rose essential oil. It balances skin tones, removes wrinkles and is used in facial techniques. It is also used for skin tightening. It balances the amount of oil in our scalp, and our hair looks more healthy and smooth.

Neroli Essential Oil: is responsible for flourishing our skin and helps to equalise skin dampness. It is made up of orange flowers which give a charming and blooming fragrance. It enhances the flexibility of the skin. It increases production of new cells in the skin. It fades away all spots created by acne.

Roman Chamomile Essential Oil: is used to eliminate reddishness on our skin and soothe itching. It also protects us from sunburns, keeps our skin young, smooth and fresh. It is a natural conditioner as well as an anti-dandruff solution for hair which not only brings shine but also moisturises our hair.

Yarrow Essential Oil: is used for oily skin and hair and takes off burn skin. It brings contractions in blood vessels tissues, cells and muscles. It protects our skin from dryness, dark marks on our face and helps skin wounds. It also reduces hair loss and promotes hair growth.

Helichrysum Essential Oil: is a remedy for skin eruptions due to its antimicrobic and antimycotic features. It helps in removing marks and blemishes. It is suitable for aged skin and helps to regenerate the skin.

Niaouli Essential Oil: is an alternative to tea tree essential oil. It is anti-bacterial. It affects our brain and health. It reduces pimples, spots and scars on the skin. It can be used as a good toner.

Peppermint Essential Oil: can be used withis used as a Vaseline on lips. It acts as a stimulator, help muscles of hand, legs, and feet. Babies are not recommended to use it. It is durable. It hydrates burned skin and recovers sunburns. It is a tonic to activate the scalp and helps to remove flakes and lice from the hair. It also thickens and provides energy to damaged hair.

Rosemary Essential Oil: It is not widely used for the skin as it is used for hair treatment. It also gives a glowing effect to the skin. It increases our hair development. Its use is beneficial for hair growth and scalp. It is a solution to dandruff and decreases hair fall. It also relieves a person’s redness and swelling on skin or hair.

Recipe for a Rosemary Lavender Hair Rinse

hair rinse

Rosemary lavender Hair Rinse

If you are ready to take charge of your health with essential oils, contact me at office(at)jenneragazzo.com to learn about how to become empowered, look younger and have brighter, healthier hair.