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A space where I keep articles and information for my own perusal as well as for you. Everyday thoughts on life, wellness, health, fun and MORE.
Flashback 2018
FLASHBACK 2018Half a century, shattered memories, greener pastures and moving on into the future with lots of masterminding with inspiring and motivating friends and partners. Half a century HECK! Half a century? How did time go by so fast? I still feel like...
A day in the life of…
If anyone had told me a year ago, 27. November 2017, that I would start writing blog posts I would have laughed my head off and probably hysterically. Hysterically because, writing blog posts are not fun, or so I thought then (- still not sure), and hysterical because...
Menopause – Gastbeitrag von Katharina Wissmann
Wechseljahre, Klimakterium oder Abänderung, es gibt viele Begriffe für den Zeitraum vor und nach der letzten Regelblutung einer Frau. Beginnen wir bei der Einweihung Es heisst, dass die matriarchalischen Kulturen des frühgeschichtlichen Indiens, Ägyptens und des...
Midlife crisis – a time to find yourself
Midlife crisis is a term which was coined in the eighties. It describes a time between your mid-thirties to mid-sixties. Suddenly, you might have a feeling your life has just passed you by. There is much more for you to experience, yet, you might find yourself bound...
9 Minuten Stressabbau von Torsten Angemeer
Credit: Torsten Angemeer,
Menopause and Hypnosis. What??
Menopause symptoms and relief with hypnosis. Have you ever wondered what you could do to support your body and psyche while going through menopause? do not want to go too much into the nitty-gritty of what menopause is or isn’t at this stage, I. There...