If anyone had told me a year ago, 27. November 2017, that I would start writing blog posts I would have laughed my head off and probably hysterically. Hysterically because, writing blog posts are not fun, or so I thought then (- still not sure), and hysterical because of the thought “who the heck is interested in what I have to say anyway”.
And actually a year ago I was enjoying Ayurveda treatments in Sri Lanka… (maybe a blog post for another day 😉 – had no intention of blogging and no idea that I would be looking for a coach…
Well, here we go. This might not be my first blog post, it’s my third, but the direction where this is going is different.
To blog or not to blog
So, for me to learn the ins and outs of blogging, I’m doing a blog crash course with Judith “Sympatexter” Peters. Judith is hilarious, as in a VERY good way. She knows how to tell stories that keep one engaged till the end. I’m aspiring to be like her.
What happened to the other blog posts? Not believing in myself enough to write them, which in hindsight is probably rubbish, well, (hides face in shame – not really HAHA) I bought them. Better said, I had someone finish them up for me (and paid them). Amazing what you can buy on the internet…
The posts were not about me and what i do but more like an overview of the methods that I “practice”. Practice is also not a good explanation because that would mean I don’t really know what I’m doing or not experienced. So let’s try and define this a little better – practice as in perform or carry out or administrate. Sounds quite profound, what… Thank goodness for the internet, AGAIN.
They’re still there if you want to go and compare… here and here.

Working in/on the practice
Insights on short sightedness – is that a word???
Next on the agenda for today is picking up my new glasses. I’m short sighted… well have become with age… An interesting concept. Not the age part, the other one.
According to dictionary.com short sightedness also means “lacking imagination or foresight”.
Heck! I am definitely not lacking in imagination – as for foresight – again dictionary.com comes to help: “the ability to predict what will happen or be needed in the future.”
So to the foresight (Imagination’s been covered) – I’m not a fortune teller (or “future” teller) BUT i do have help in getting done what needs to get done. I’m part of a coaching called SOMBA – Sigrun’s online MBA. This has practically saved my life. Well kinda. If it weren’t for the course and the community I would probably still be hiding behind my laptop and not about to share with the world what I’m up to. Pretty scary thought…
Sigrun is so inspiring. Her motto is: Be inspired, Think big and Take Action.
And my masterminding buddies are the best!

I’m not an affilliate – in case you were wondering
Taking action after thinking big and being inspired
Sooooo me being inspired, thinking big and taking action agreed to do an article for a health guide that will be published in Canton Zurich for a year and placed in doctor’s offices, pharmacies, local municipalities and who knows where else – everywhere…
This is how the publishing company describes it: “The “health guide for the whole family” is a competent guide for people of all ages and reports up-to-date and informative from the areas: Health & nutrition, Therapies & Healing Methods, Fitness & Exercise, Wellness & Beauty and Tax & Law.”
My contribution is on Hypnosis during Menopause.. And mid life. What we women experience, what hypnosis is (not too much detail – there wasn’t enough space in the article…) and how it can help with climacteric syndrome.
For my german speaking friends to find out more hop on over here.

Gesundheitsratgeber – LDK Verlag
So there we have it. Survived the task at hand of blogging and am looking forward to doing more in the future.
And apparently I like starting sentences with “SO” and love using dotdotdot’s…….